Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10th

October 10th, 2009

Normally I wait until we have completed most of the day's activities to post. That way I don't miss out on whatever the big event of the day is.

By 9 am I had taken this picture and put it on my computer. I have no clue what we will do today, but no matter what happens I am pretty sure that this day will alwasy be known as the day Nicholas peed on the printer.

I was trying to find some notecards in my office so that I could make some flash cards to study stats with. Nicholas came down and was naked. I told him to go get some clothes and bring them to me so that I could help him get dressed. A few minutes lated Jonathan came down and said, "um, mom, you know the thing under the computer, um, nicholas is peeing on it." I was like, you mean the printer? And then I had to do an immediate edit on my language because what I wanted to say about the situation wasn't exactly appropriate for Jonathan to hear.

He was such a great big brother, and helped me to clean it up. He wiped up the puddle for me, and I took the printer apart to clean the pee out of the inside.

We are letting it dry out now and are hopeful that it will still work!

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